Image Rectifier Gallery


Examples of Rectified Images

Do your product photos or website graphics need to be completely straight and upright? Do you want to see posters on walls, a business card on a table or house facades directly head on, despite having taken your photos in perspective? Then try rectifying your images automatically and precisely using Image Rectifier.

These examples show how images get rectified, usually such that parallel and orthogonal lines become upright horizontal and vertical lines in the resulting image. There are also examples of rectifying image rotation from parallel lines or perspective in only one direction.

Hollywood Boulevard Mall Egyptian Wall input
Hollywood Boulevard Mall Egyptian Wall output

Rectified perspective from parallel and orthogonal lines, to make the front surface appear completely flat and square

Hollywood Boulevard Mall Egyptian Wall output, rectified perspective from parallel lines, vertical direction

Rectified perspective from parallel lines in only the vertical direction, so that the vertical lines become parallel in the image

Hollywood Boulevard Mall Egyptian Wall output, rectified perspective from parallel lines, horizontal direction

Rectified perspective from parallel lines in only the horizontal direction, so that the horizontal lines become parallel in the image

Hollywood Boulevard Mall Egyptian Wall output, rectified image rotation from paralllel lines, vertical direction

Rectified image rotation from parallel lines, to rotate the image as if the camera was level with the vertical lines when the image was taken

Hollywood Boulevard Mall Egyptian Wall output, rectified image rotation from paralllel lines, horizontal direction

Rectified image rotation from parallel lines, to rotate the image as if the camera was level with the horizontal lines when the image was taken

Glyptoteket Building Facade input
Glyptoteket Building Facade output

St. Alban Church at Langelinie in Copenhagen input
St. Alban Church at Langelinie in Copenhagen output, rectified perspective from parallel and orthogonal lines

Rectified perspective from parallel and orthogonal lines, to make the front facade appear completely flat and square. This gives an artificial perspective on an image such as this, since surfaces non-parallel to the front facades become more distorted

St. Alban Church at Langelinie in Copenhagen output, rectified perspective from parallel lines, vertical direction

Rectified perspective from parallel lines in only the vertical direction, so that the vertical lines become parallel in the image. This maintains the perspective of seeing the corner of the building but makes the vertical perspective artificial

St. Alban Church at Langelinie in Copenhagen output, rectified image rotation from paralllel lines, vertical direction

Rectified image rotation from parallel lines, to rotate the image as if the camera was level with the vertical lines when the image was taken

CeX3D Inverse poster input
CeX3D Inverse poster output

Indoor door opening input
Indoor door opening output

Yoghourt product photo input
Yoghourt product photo output, rectified perspective from parallel and orthogonal lines

Rectified perspective from parallel and orthogonal lines, to make the front surface appear completely flat and square

Yoghourt product photo output, rectified perspective from parallel lines, horizontal direction

Rectified perspective from parallel lines in only the horizontal direction, so that the floor lines become parallel in the image

Yoghourt product photo output, rectified image rotation from paralllel lines, horizontal direction

Rectified image rotation from parallel lines, to rotate the image as if the camera was level with the horizontal lines when the image was taken

Marble Steps input
Marble Steps output

Image Rectifier business card input
Image Rectifier business card output

Downtown L.A. skyscrapers input
Downtown L.A. skyscrapers output

Challenging Examples of Rectified Images

More challenging examples with images containing lines made of deteriorated rock, as well as lines made of marble texture or not aligned with the parallel and orthogonal directions.

Egyptian Wall input
Egyptian Wall output

Egyptian Cartouche input
Egyptian Cartouche output

Marble Stairs with Ball input
Marble Stairs with Ball output

Examples of Rectified Images with More Perspective

Images with a lot of perspective that has been rectified. This illustrates that surfaces not parallel to the rectified surfaces in the image get more distorted than in the original image, while the rectified surfaces become upright.

Perspective Outdoor Floor input
Perspective Outdoor Floor output

Perspective Marble Floor input
Perspective Marble Floor output

Glyptoteket Building Perspective Facade input
Glyptoteket Building Perspective Facade output, rectified perspective from parallel and orthogonal lines

Rectified perspective from parallel and orthogonal lines

Glyptoteket Building Perspective Facade output, rectified perspective from parallel lines, vertical direction

Rectified perspective from parallel lines in only the vertical direction

Glyptoteket Building Perspective Facade output, rectified image rotation from parallel lines, vertical direction

Rectified image rotation from parallel lines in the vertical direction

The above examples are on the verge of how much perspective we allow, due to the large image files generated by rectifying that much perspective at full image resolution.

Hardcore Processing

Modified: 2024-06-14

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Image Rectifier